My name is Daniel Zimmerman.
I cultivate an appreciation, a tenacious appetite, for the unusual, the rare, and the beautiful.
My life’s passion is found in creating. I am on a lifelong exploration of refining, but never quite perfecting, a practice of self reflection and development. My practice is rooted in a study of the formality of John Singer Sargent as well as the aesthetics of the Impressionist Painters. I find intrigue in color palettes and use layer on layer of oil paint to develop depth both physically and symbolically.
I fall in love with each piece as I create it and the bittersweet notion of it leaving my studio is abated by the joy expressed by its new owner as they take their new trophy home. My greatest delight is in inspiring and watching others enjoy my work. These paintings are my megaphone - designed to tell a story and elicit emotions.
I choose to live in the moment.
I live for and actively seek time spent with friends. Gathered around tables, laughing until our lungs hurt. The uninhibited sharing of ideas, stories, and dreams - mixed with the recanting of trials and tribulations combine to create an ineffable connection… one that seems to express itself differently with each occurrence. A paradigm shift occurred when I nearly lost a friend to illness. Like a bucket of cold water to the face I was washed in the reality that this is it - my one chance to live this life as fully as I possibly can. My life is happening now. I do not wait. I do not leave anything to chance. If I sense the need to explore something I dive in and discover what its all about. Come across something I love? I buy it. Dream of traveling someplace? I book it. Inspired to by something? I paint it. I revel in the good and move swiftly from anything that does not resonate.
There is more to the story…..
You know there is always more… and I’d love to share. Just drop me a note below and we can set up a call / studio visit.